We are always in need of volunteers with a safe driving history to transport members to medical appointments outside of the villages. For more information call and ask to speak to Kim Flick.

Help answer phones, take messages, and interact with members. (Tuesdays 9-12 & 9-4:30)

If you are interested in helping us by volunteering for specific activities and events please give us a call as we are always in need of people to help. Do you have a specific skill, talent or gift that you would like to share? Call the center and ask to speak to Cara about possibly…

RASKALS: Random Acts of Simple Kindness Affecting Local Seniors is a program for individuals and groups to help Fairfield seniors. Twice each year, in April and November, teams of volunteers go out into Fairfield to help our local Seniors with basic yard clean-up.

Working with Senior Citizens through the 55-Plus special events or as a greeter in the Senior Lounge.

Ushering for theatre productions in the Community Arts Center.

Assisting Children’s Programs such as the KITS Summer Musical, Let’s Go Hiking and other nature programs, and more!

Delivering Interdepartmental Mail as a Courier for the City.

Adopt-a-Roadway or Adopt-a-Park is a program that utilizes volunteers to help clean up our streets and parks.

Helping Seasonal Events for our Parks and Recreation Department, such as the Fine Arts Fair, Red, White and Kaboom!, Touch-a-Truck, Farm-R-Treat, Light Up Fairfield and more!